Hi everyone,
We’ve been overdue for an update. There’s a lot to say, but most importantly, we’re hiring! :D
We’re looking to add two people to our manufacturing team over the next few weeks, so if you know anyone in San Francisco who might be interested, please spread the word! :) Here’s a link to the job description:
So, here’s what happened this summer:
- Started selling sample sizes of all our products!
- New rice protein supplier: milder flavor, still organic.
- Adjusted scoop sizes: corrected for compacted powder.
- New supply tracking system: no more ingredient shortages.
We switched from Ortiva rice protein to Gabiotein after getting a couple complaints from customers who thought the taste was worse than before, when we were using Oryzatein. Now, I don’t think anyone could say that – the flavor is about as bland as you can get, and when it comes to protein powder, that’s a good thing. ;)
We also implemented an automated system of ingredient tracking, which calculates the amount of each ingredient we have in stock based on our batch records and our receiving logs. This solves the problem of suddenly realizing that we’re out of potassium citrate and then being backlogged for a week while we wait for a new shipment. So you can look forward to more reliable turnaround times for your orders!
And here’s what is coming up:
- Hiring two new manufacturing technicians.
- New vegan vitamin mix: just waiting on testing…
- Monkfruit instead of stevia: no more weird aftertaste!
- New fiber sources: iterating toward a fart-free formula.
Our eagerly awaited vitamin premix was manufactured in late July. But it has been stuck in testing… literally. :p Too much xanthan gum for the lab equipment to handle, apparently. We are anxiously awaiting resolution of this issue.
Also, we recently discovered that a nontrivial fraction of our customers have experienced a lot of gas from our products (more from Light Fuel, less from Schmilk). We’re currently running experiments with as many brave volunteers as we can muster, in order to find the fiber sources that cause the least gas for the most people. If you’d like to be a guinea pig as well, please let us know! :)
Richard has been transitioning from manufacturing to a part-time scripting role with Super Body Fuel, and is now applying to schools to pursue a career in programming! His brother Matt started working with us this summer, and you’ll probably be hearing more from him in the coming months.
But we still need to hire two more people, just to keep up – and to free up my time from shipping out your orders every day, so I can finish up the website like I’ve been promising for the last few months! ;)
So please check out the job description and share it with your SF friends. Thank you! :)
Alex Cho Snyder (axcho)