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October 2019 Update

Hi everyone,

It’s October, and you know that means… Yes, that’s right – Pumpkin Spice everything! :D

And Super Body Fuel is no exception. ;) We’re bringing back our much loved (and much missed) pumpkin spice flavor for this fall season.

Since it’s just a limited-time, seasonal flavor, it won’t be available for subscription at subscription prices, just as a one-off purchase. But don’t worry, it’s not going to be a “premium flavor” at premium prices – organic pumpkin pie spice mix isn’t actually any more expensive than our usual flavors. We’re saving that for our strawberry flavor, which is super expensive (coming soon!). ;)

In case you missed any of our previous announcements, here’s what’s been going on with us lately:

  • Scoops are now optional! Reducereuse, and recycle!
  • Strawberry: to return shortly as a premium flavor!

And… here’s what’s coming up:

  • Organic rice protein: new supplier with better taste!
  • Keto Fuel: sodium to be reduced to 100% DV.
  • Omega-3: how about some vegan DHA?

Like that? ;) We found that about half the people using Keto Fuel aren’t actually doing it for ketosis, and the people who do generally still have to add more salt. So to make it more accessible to people who need to keep their sodium low enough that they don’t swell up or something, we’ll be bringing the sodium down to 100% DV – the level of our other products – and including a recommendation to add up to 1/4 teaspoon of salt per meal as needed. Thanks to everyone who weighed in! :)

I’m particularly excited about the new rice protein, especially since our old supplier has had a lot of variability in taste this year. But yes, you heard that right – vegan DHA from algae, not fish, the omega-3 fatty acid that is so critical for brain function. It’s not cheap, but we’ve found a supplier with reasonable price, at long last. The future is upon us, that’s for sure. ;p And you’re worth it. <3

Plus I’m tired of taking fish oil pills. ;)

Of course, DHA isn’t officially recognized as a required nutrient with a specified minimum intake, so we’re going to have to depend on other sources for these guidelines. Which we always do do anyway, of course. ;) But if you have a particular recommendation or request for how much DHA to include per day, let us know! Just keep in mind this stuff is expensive. :p

Anyway, looking forward to hearing from you! Happy Pumpkin Spice Season, all! :D


Alex Cho Snyder (axcho)

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